Saturday 29 December 2007

Mobile Marketing for Participation TV - SMS Advertising USA

Looking at several key mobile marketing applications, Michael Whelan, MD of mobile solutions provider, txtNation looks at the performance of Participation TV...

Unless you never watch television in the UK, then you must have seen programmes incorporating text messaging as an intrinsic part of the television programme.

This has been a nice money-spinner for the broadcasters and network operators alike, as the figures below show. If you imagine that each vote costs a minimum of 25p+ ($0.50) your standard text charge, and that the broadcaster is probably getting a return of around 11p ($0.25) on each text, the numbers soon add up.

Programme Votes Cast by Text
Big Brother 5 -10m+
I'm a Celebrity... 10m+
X-Factor 5.4m
Big Brother 3 5.3m
Big Brother 4 3.1m
Fame Academy 2 1.6m
Eurosong 2002 700,000

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