Monday 5 May 2008

Mobile Marketing Solutions - Overview

mFUSION (Powered by txtNation) has created a variety of customized mobile solutions for educational and governmental institutions, brands, content providers, advertising agencies and other organizations. Depending on your objectives and needs, mFUSION (Powered by txtNation) can provide you Shared and Dedicated Short Codes, Premium SMS, SMS broadcasting, IVR, WAP or other interactive mobile messaging needs. Let mFUSION (Powered by txtNation) provide your mobile solution today.

SMS Marketing solutions come in a variety of services...

mFUSION (Powered by txtNation)
Below is a list of the most frequently asked about mobile solutions. Browse through these solutions and find the mobile solution that best fits your needs.

Our suite of REALTIME! solutions are specifically created for live events such as concerts, sporting events, trade shows, conferences and all other outdoor forums.

Premium SMS Quiz
Want to quiz your audience and keep them engaged during live sporting events, shows, or through live television? Send a multiple choice or true and false Premium SMS mobile quiz! You can even reward those who answer correctly with a Mobile Coupon or sweepstake entries.

Premium SMS Coupons
No need to carry those cumbersome, half-torn coupons - just show your phone! Send coupons via SMS text messages for your clients to redeem in store!

Premium SMS Voting & Surveys
Would you like to see Hilary or Obama as President? Mobile Voting allows you to set up fun, interactive voting polls with up to the minute bar graphs to track the response. Also, our system allows for responses to be sent directly to your server to showcase them on your own animation - all in real time!

Premium SMS Sweepstakes
Have you played Deal or No Deal Lucky Briefcase game? Why not create your own interactive Television Sweepstakes and generate immediate revenue. With mFUSION (Powered by txtNation), you can create your own Text 2 Win contests.

Premium SMS Alerts
Reach thousands of people within seconds to provide alerts and updates! No matter how common emails have become, SMS text messages are more efficient and effective.

Premium SMS Subscriptions
Whether it's sending daily horoscopes or weekly weekend events in your area, Mobile Subscriptions allow you send SMS messages every day, week or month to your mobile fan club.

Bulk SMS Broadcasts
Do you need to reach an audience in a timely manner? mFUSION (Powered by txtNation) has sent millions of messages for various organizations. Let mFUSION (Powered by txtNation)'s mobile messaging solution do the same for you.

For Shared ShortCodes, It's as Simple As...

STEP 1: Pick a KEYWORD that identifies your Company or Campaign. Your patrons and consumers then send an SMS with your keyword to our short code (Five Digit Number).

STEP 2: Once we receive the incoming SMS the our campaign manager handles the message based on the module you decide to enable, be it voting, text2win, autoresponder etc.

Wednesday 30 April 2008

SMS Marketing is still Two Years Away From Its Peak

Less than three years after the first SMS mobile marketing campaigns launched, one in two European direct marketers now uses SMS. SMS mobile marketing will remain in growth mode for two more years as 50% more firms adopt it and average campaign spending doubles.

Figures & Data
  • Figure 1. Profiling Adopters, Future Users, And Nonadopters Of SMS Marketing
  • Figure 2. Most Future Users Plan To Launch Their First SMS Campaign Next Year
  • Figure 3. Adopters Find SMS As Or More Efficient Than Other Media
  • Figure 4. Adopters Expect To Increase Their Spending On SMS This Year
  • Figure 5. All Respondents Expect SMS Marketing To Increase In Importance

Furture of SMS Marketing

Emerging-technology research firm Forrester Research has stated that European marketers will have to carefully plan any SMS campaign to get the desired response.

SMS messages can currently reach two-thirds of the 250m mobile phone owners in Europe. According to Forrester, early adopters have experienced response rates five times higher than direct mail. Long term use will reportedly require careful campaign planning however.

A survey conducted by Forrester found that 21% of companies that took part use SMS marketing occasionally while 12% have trialled it. Overall, 56% plan regular SMS use in 2003 and will devote on average 7% of their budget to it.

txtNation via mFUSION, provides companies with a unique SMS advertising distribution reaching tens of thousands of consumers directly with text messages.

Numerous consumer studies confirm the following:
  • More than 90% of mobile phones today accept SMS messages
  • US mobile phone users open more than 90% of the text messages they receive.
By 2008, according to the Mobile Marketing Association:
  • 89% of companies will use text and multimedia messaging to reach their audiences
  • Nearly one third of these companies plan to spend more than 10% percent of their marketing budgets on advertising in the text SMS marketing medium.
SMS Marketing is a direct, personal, and effective marketing solution, providing critical exposure to your products and services.

T-Mobile USA parnters with MySpace

T-Mobile USA announced reently the addition of social networking service MySpace Mobile for the operator's popular Sidekick device. According to T-Mobile, the MySpace Mobile software is closely integrated with the Sidekick hardware, user interface and applications, with an emphasis on translating key features of the MySpace experience from PCs to handsets. MySpace Mobile features include a customized user interface that assembles messages, friend requests and comments into one home screen along with real-time updates like profile editing and photo management.

For more on the T-Mobile/MySpace deal:
- read this release

For more about Mobile Marketing USA, see mFUSION (

Mobile Marketing for Marketers

With 76% of US households owning at least one phone, mobile is a seductive channel for US marketers.

But consumers' preconditioned skepticism to mobile ads means that marketers must design campaigns that respect the medium and deliver value to targeted audiences.

Fortunately, US marketers can learn from emerging best practices in four areas:

1) getting started
2) campaign strategy
3) targeting
4) campaign execution.

Best Practices:

Best Practice No. 1: Embrace The Medium
Best Practice No. 2: Go For Mobile Tie-Ins When Planning Campaigns
Best Practice No. 3: Adopt A Pragmatic Targeting Approach
Best Practice No. 4: Keep Campaigns Simple And Compelling


SMS Marketing USA - TV for SMS Interactive

136 million people of all ages are texting in the US. mFUSION from txtNation gives you everything you need to build interactive revenue.

We know TV. Our experts – including your account manager – know a thing or two about broadcasting. They built their careers working for stations just like yours. They understand the importance of measurable ROI, viewership patterns, and how to get from pitch to catch. How about SMS Marketing for TV!?

You’re facing competition from other outlets, from competitors, and from interactive marketing channels.

Make the first move.

Thanks to the CP - txtNation's simple web-based platform and ever-accessible account managers, we can make the most important initiative of your career so easy you’ll barely notice it – until you look at your revenue sheet.

But you might want to take a look in your rear-view mirror. There’s a reason they call it “first-mover advantage.”

Saturday 8 March 2008

Pratical Guide to Mobile Marketing

Here’s some of the information you will receive from txtNation, Mobile Marketing Specialists.

The size of the mobile web market

There are 2.2 billion phones world-wide. 76% of all consumers in the US and Western Europe have access to the web on their mobile device, and one third (32%) use it. Among those with mobile access, the UK leads in usage (54%), followed by the US at 41%.

Messaging based mobile marketing

Text to win competitions, SMS marketing, text alerts and mobile coupons are valuable and have been widely used in the mobile marketing industry until recently. The mobile web is now the preferred medium for mobile marketing.

Mobile advertising for the ultimate in targeted marketing

A recent study of 1,200 mobile users world-wide found 78% of people were happy to receive ads tailored to their interests and 64% were willing to provide personal details to improve their relevance so the fact that mobile advertising can be targeted is good for the brand and the end user.

How to leverage mobile search

Established search brands such as Yahoo!, Google and Microsoft plus new mobile search engines are delivering compelling services enabling users to search and find mobile content.

Personalize your service on this most personal of devices

txtNation can help you do this. As well as being able to identify the visitor to your site, what operator they are using and in which country, txtNation also provides handset information that allows you to determine if your content will function on the specific handset.

Taking advantage of Community marketing

User generated content is extending to the mobile space. Communities of users have grown on the PC and there are already brands building communities of users on mobile.

Measuring success and fine-tuning your campaigns

With txtNation, you can see in real-time how many people have visited different sections of your marketing campaigns.