Wednesday 30 April 2008

SMS Marketing USA - TV for SMS Interactive

136 million people of all ages are texting in the US. mFUSION from txtNation gives you everything you need to build interactive revenue.

We know TV. Our experts – including your account manager – know a thing or two about broadcasting. They built their careers working for stations just like yours. They understand the importance of measurable ROI, viewership patterns, and how to get from pitch to catch. How about SMS Marketing for TV!?

You’re facing competition from other outlets, from competitors, and from interactive marketing channels.

Make the first move.

Thanks to the CP - txtNation's simple web-based platform and ever-accessible account managers, we can make the most important initiative of your career so easy you’ll barely notice it – until you look at your revenue sheet.

But you might want to take a look in your rear-view mirror. There’s a reason they call it “first-mover advantage.”

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